From series "Remember you were made to be used"
Co-painted with graffiti artist Jukka-Pekka Viita-Aho, 2016
Acrylics and paint marker on canvas, 500 x 500 mm
From series "Remember you were made to be used"
Co-painted with graffiti artist Jukka-Pekka Viita-Aho, 2016
Acrylics and paint marker on canvas, 500 x 500 mm
Remember you were made to be used
From series "Remember you were made to be used"
Co-painted with graffiti artist Jukka-Pekka Viita-Aho, 2016-2017
Acrylics and paint marker on canvas, 1000 x 1000 mm
From series "Remember you were made to be used"
Co-painted with graffiti artist Jukka-Pekka Viita-Aho, 2016
Acrylics and paint marker on canvas, 300 x 300 mm
From series "Remember you were made to be used"
Co-painted with graffiti artist Jukka-Pekka Viita-Aho, 2016
Acrylics and paint marker on canvas, 300 x 300 mm
From series "Remember you were made to be used"
Co-painted with graffiti artist Jukka-Pekka Viita-Aho, 2016
Acrylics and paint marker on canvas, 300 x 300 mm
The war
Gouache, pastels and ink on paper, 1120 x 710 mm, 1999.
tehtaankatu I & II
Pastels on paper, 600 x 900 mm, 1996.
Ja joku oli poissa?
And someone was gone?
And someone was gone?
Collage, gouache and ink on cartboard, 1400 x 1030 mm, 2000
Karl Hyde
Pastels, acrylics and electicity tape on cartboard,
Messierin objektit 1–5
Messier\'s Objects no. 1–5
Messier\'s Objects no. 1–5
Acrylics on canvas, 3600 x 700 mm, 2009.
Puoli minuuttia sumusta
Half a Minute from Fog
Half a Minute from Fog
Aquarelle on paper, 1410 x 620 mm, 2000.
A proposal of wall paintings to Sokos Tapiola department store
Pastels on paper, 1999.
Apokalyptinen kylä
Apocalyptic Village
Apocalyptic Village
Oil on canvas, 640 x 350 mm, 1995.
Nooan visio vedenpaisumuksesta
Noah\'s Vision of the Deluge
Noah\'s Vision of the Deluge
Oil on canvas, 1100 x 800 mm, 1997
The Crash
A Memory
A Memory
Aquarelle, acrylics and pastels on cartboard, 1110 x 1100 mm, 2000
Pastels on paper, 600 x 1200 mm, 2002.
Gouache on paper, 400 x 600 mm, 2009.
Järki tuhoaa, järjettömyys korjaa. Järjettömyys tuhoaa järki korjaa.
Rationality destroys, Irrationality repairs. Irrationality destroys, Rationality repairs.
Rationality destroys, Irrationality repairs. Irrationality destroys, Rationality repairs.
Gouache and ink on cartboard, 84 x 100 mm, 2000
Inner self
Päättymätön kehä
Neverending Circle
Neverending Circle